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52 products

Save $1,998.81
Albert Einstein Authentic Signed & Framed .75x1.75 Cut Signature BAS #AD64137Albert Einstein Authentic Signed & Framed .75x1.75 Cut Signature BAS #AD64137
Save $1,498.81
Albert Einstein Authentic Signed .5x1.85 Cut Signature Autographed BAS SlabbedAlbert Einstein Authentic Signed .5x1.85 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $1,998.81
Albert Einstein Authentic Signed 2x5 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $38.81
Alden Bradford Authentic Signed .75x4 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $698.81
Amelia Earhart & George Putnam Signed 3.5.x5.75 Cut Signature BAS SlabbedAmelia Earhart & George Putnam Signed 3.5.x5.75 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
Save $228.81
Andy Warhol Authentic Signed 3x5 Cut Signature BAS SlabbedAndy Warhol Authentic Signed 3x5 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
Andy Warhol Authentic Signed 3x5 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed Sale price$1,149.99 Regular price$1,378.80
Save $498.81
Auguste Rodin "Pour solliciter" Authentic Signed Matted 6.25x9 Photo BASAuguste Rodin "Pour solliciter" Authentic Signed Matted 6.25x9 Photo BAS
Save $1,698.81
Ayn Rand Authentic Signed 7.25x10 Typed Letter Dated Nov. 29, 1946 BAS SlabbedAyn Rand Authentic Signed 7.25x10 Typed Letter Dated Nov. 29, 1946 BAS Slabbed
Save $48.81
Benjamin Silliman Sr. Authentic Signed .6x2.5 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
Save $198.81
Bill Clinton Signed 6.75x9 1993 Typed Letter On WH Letterhead BAS #AB14597Bill Clinton Signed 6.75x9 1993 Typed Letter On WH Letterhead BAS #AB14597
Save $1,598.81
Bill Wilson Signed Alcoholics Anonymous 2nd Edition Hard Cover Book BAS #AB77861Bill Wilson Signed Alcoholics Anonymous 2nd Edition Hard Cover Book BAS #AB77861
Save $658.81
Brigham Young Authentic Signed & Framed 2x3.65 Cut Signature BAS #AD40972Brigham Young Authentic Signed & Framed 2x3.65 Cut Signature BAS #AD40972
Save $1,598.81
Daniel Boone Authentic Signed 1.85x6.5 Cut Signature JSA #YY97266Daniel Boone Authentic Signed 1.85x6.5 Cut Signature JSA #YY97266
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E.A. Holyoke Authentic Signed 1.25x2.75 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $1,958.81
Edvard Munch Authentic Signed & Framed 4x5.5 Letter The Scream Display BASEdvard Munch Authentic Signed & Framed 4x5.5 Letter The Scream Display BAS
Save $28.81
Edward Bangs Authentic Signed 1x2 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
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Edward Everett "Faithfully yours" Signed 2x4.25 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
Save $658.81
Enzo Ferrari Authentic Signed 4x6 Postcard Autographed BAS SlabbedEnzo Ferrari Authentic Signed 4x6 Postcard Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $258.81
Frank Lloyd Wright Signed & Framed 3.5x8 1947 Foundation Check BAS #AE13290Frank Lloyd Wright Signed & Framed 3.5x8 1947 Foundation Check BAS #AE13290
Save $278.81
Frank Lloyd Wright Signed 3.5x5.5 Postcard Dated December 3, 1951 BAS SlabbedFrank Lloyd Wright Signed 3.5x5.5 Postcard Dated December 3, 1951 BAS Slabbed
Save $48.81
George Alfred Townsend Authentic Signed 1x3 Cut Signature BAS SlabbedGeorge Alfred Townsend Authentic Signed 1x3 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
Save $198.81
Gerald Ford Authentic Signed 6.75x9 1976 Letter On WH Letterhead BAS #AB14596Gerald Ford Authentic Signed 6.75x9 1976 Letter On WH Letterhead BAS #AB14596
Save $2,398.81
Geronimo Authentic Signed & Framed 1.5x3 Cut Signature JSA #YY12925Geronimo Authentic Signed & Framed 1.5x3 Cut Signature JSA #YY12925
Geronimo Authentic Signed & Framed 1.5x3 Cut Signature JSA #YY12925 Sale price$11,999.99 Regular price$14,398.80
Save $158.81
Grace De Monaco Signed 3.75x525 Personal Stationary Signature Card BAS SlabbedGrace De Monaco Signed 3.75x525 Personal Stationary Signature Card BAS Slabbed
Save $2,998.81
Gustave Eiffel Authentic Signed & Framed 3.5x5.5 Postcard BAS #AD04301Gustave Eiffel Authentic Signed & Framed 3.5x5.5 Postcard BAS #AD04301
Save $698.81
Helen Keller "Faithfully Yours" Signed & Framed 1.5x3.5 Cut BAS #AC26843Helen Keller "Faithfully Yours" Signed & Framed 1.5x3.5 Cut BAS #AC26843
Save $28.81
Howard Chandler Christy "Sincerely" Signed 2.25x4.5 Cut Sig BAS SlabbedHoward Chandler Christy "Sincerely" Signed 2.25x4.5 Cut Sig BAS Slabbed
Save $238.81
Jack Ruby Authentic Signed 3x7.75 1950 Personal Check PSA/DNA SlabbedJack Ruby Authentic Signed 3x7.75 1950 Personal Check PSA/DNA Slabbed
Save $298.81
Jefferson Davis "with Best Wishes" Signed 3.5x4.5 Cut Signature PSA/DNA SlabbedJefferson Davis "with Best Wishes" Signed 3.5x4.5 Cut Signature PSA/DNA Slabbed
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John Fairfield Yours very respectfully Signed 1.8x4.25 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed
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John Forsyth Authentic Signed 1x4.75 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $13.81
John Hunt Authentic Signed 3x5 Index Card Autographed BAS #BL96695John Hunt Authentic Signed 3x5 Index Card Autographed BAS #BL96695
Save $38.81
Jonas Salk Authentic Signed 3x5 Index Card Autographed BAS SlabbedJonas Salk Authentic Signed 3x5 Index Card Autographed BAS Slabbed
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Josiah Quincy III Authentic Signed 1x3.75 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
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Levi Lincoln Jr. Authentic Signed 3x4 Cut Signature Autographed BAS SlabbedLevi Lincoln Jr. Authentic Signed 3x4 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
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Levi Woodbury Authentic Signed .7x2.75 Cut Signature Autographed BAS Slabbed
Save $2,598.81
Martin Luther King Jr. Authentic Signed 2.5x5 Cut Signature Auto 8 PSA SlabbedMartin Luther King Jr. Authentic Signed 2.5x5 Cut Signature Auto 8 PSA Slabbed
Save $1,998.81
Martin Luther King Jr. Signed 1.5x3.15 Cut Signature Auto Graded 9! BAS Slabbed
Save $2,998.81
Mohandas Gandhi 2x Signed 2.5x3.75 Cut Signature Auto Graded 10! PSA/DNA SlabbedMohandas Gandhi 2x Signed 2.5x3.75 Cut Signature Auto Graded 10! PSA/DNA Slabbed
Save $38.81
Nathaniel Silsbee Sr. Authentic Signed .75x2.75 Cut Signature BAS Slabbed